Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Looming bands!

Wine down Wednesday! :)

I learnt this phrase a while again from a friend. It never fitted with me as basically most days of the week involve a glass of wine at the end. Maybe two bottles on a bad day. However, given the day i'm happy to go with it!

Anyway - personally it has recently dawned on me that the hour before i sleep holds the most passion for life of all of my day. It's left me wondering, is this because i'm so reluctant to actually go to bed and sleep? Is this because i'm rebellious and i have to stay up late, regardless of how tired i actually know i am. Or is this sheerly because my internal clock is reminding me tomorrow is another day and  the things i want to achieve that i'm no closer to aren't any closer if i don't get the ball rolling. I'm thinking this is probably the case. The problem with this is depending on how many of these wine wind down glasses i consume depends on the result of this last moment ditch at changing my life before i close my eyes for the next day of general life.....

I am aware this could be an issue and on occasion can be slightly dangerous.  

I get excited. I start to think 'sod it', 'you only live once'. Which i'm completely supporting and would push anyone to follow this mantra but.  Sometimes agreeing to half marathons, mini breaks to ibiza and committing to breaking the world record of the longest loom band ever can have a significant effect.

To be honest I'm not overly worried about having to spend 3 days in the Ibiza sun, testing cocktails and dancing until sunrise. I can probably handle that. Also this half marathon thing shouldn't be a huge issue...I'm running around the block happily most days and whats another 12 miles?! Eek.

My major issue is the commitment I've made to a small girl aged 7. My daughter Miss B. She is not about to forget this promise and the reality is i've opened my iPad out on a page that she's already googling the stats and competition we have. She means business.  I understand this is no half hearted attempt to impress her friends. This is serious. I mean this evening she made me buy my own necklace and charged me to brush HER hair due to the 'LOOM BAND' savings fund.  I also happened to check out my amazon account earlier this evening. If you don't use Amazon then basically you can add what you want to a cyber basket and then when convenient add card details etc and confirm your order. This evening when i logged on my basket was full. Full. I think i calculated 45,000 loom bands in the basket. I had no choice. I had to end this fiasco...................

I pushed confirm.

God I love her!!! (and of course her beautiful brothers that have already been confirmed as associates!)