Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Tenacious Tuesday...

The blog continues...

I have to learn to play my guitar. When I bought it around 4 years ago. I was so sure the lessons I had aged 10 would have carried me through. Sadly not. However I have to play, lessons need to be booked.

My work life needs a kick up the butt. I'm doing something I don't love whilst putting something I love on hold. Life waits for no one and whilst I think it will happen at some point it's never going to if I don't kick start it. The ball is rolling...eeekkkkk!

Inspiration - I look constantly at others. Couples, beautiful women I wish I was. Successful business women, the thin girl out running that makes me push myself that final mile with just a hope of being like her. Everyone around - me, you, us, are inspirations. Each with our own unique talent or quality. Even if it's not apparent at first. It's easy to forget that others may occasionally look to you as you do them...be inspirational.

Sometimes it's easy to forget to listen. Hearing and listening are two very different things. I hope I'm a good listener but I usually get interrupted by the sound of my own voice...damn the chatty side of me.  Although I can be very insecure and shy a lot of the time. This is when I listen. I listen to everything, then worry a lot about that person. And think a lot about everything I could have said but didn't. Damn you shy side!

Step out. I tonight enjoyed my photography class. I've met some wicked people and I love how we all started completely exposed to something we love but know little about. It's so refreshing to meet like minded people with similar goals that aren't afraid of strangers! I surprise my shy self. A lot of the time. (I'm wondering if I'm shy after all!!?)

Friends. My beautiful group of besties from school are all getting together on a posh night out this weekend. I can't wait. This also means I have to dress up as a girl...just to clarify I'm 100% girl but I may wear something pretty and spend some time on my hair and makeup and not just sort it in the car in the way! I can't wait, it's going to fab. 😊

Happy Tuesday.😚

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Ten on a Tuesday....

1. Hope....I had this word permenantly inscripted on my arm so I'm thinking it's pretty high up in my thoughts. Without it what is there? People looking forward to nothing? HOPE is a magic word and it's exactly what everybody needs to keep going for what they believe in.

2. Love....again permanently inked on me. (You may see a theme!) love is something that you can't see, you can only feel. Personally I compare it to magic, but real magic. It's like a magnetic force between two people/things (or strangely even objects...if you've seen the programme you'll get me!). Its underrated and sadly rejected by some. It's one thing no one can take away from you. No matter what happens.

3.Faith....yep on the arm! Hands up I'm not religious and I think many people think this word only refers to some kind godly figure. For me it's simple. If you have faith in yourself you can do anything. If you transfer that faith into others the rewards are amazing. Try it! 

4.Dolphin....just kidding, that's just a stupid tattoo I had when I was a child. (Were there no age limits then!?)

5. Coffee....I love you. I have faith that my nespresso will produce the delicious coffee that I hope for. See what I did there ;) 

6.Strangers.....take them or leave them. Personally I think strangers are amazing. Obviously not the weird ones hanging around outside school gates. But the general strangers. The everyday people doing all the regular stuff you're doing. We all go around ignoring each other like we don't exist, we are the same! You don't turn a herd of horses out and they all look the other way, you don't walk the dog and they ignore every other canine they meet. Why is it that we are so ignorant of others? Maybe I'm crazy but I try and talk to strangers whenever the moments right (let's be clear I don't just rock up to a random clearly enjoying their costa and start chatting!) I just think we should talk more. What's the harm.

7.Perseverance..... Often in life you, me, them will be thrown a curve ball. Persever and take one day at a time and someday the pain will become less. The fog will begin to lift and the sun will shine again. It takes time.

8. Blogs....why??!

9.Photography....I'm new to it but I love it. I've started the next stage of my photography course and the ideas are literally bubbling out of my very small mind. I may need to shut them up. Probably with wine! ;)

10.Wine....I love you. I don't care what anyone says. Wine is the best medicine for life. I'm not talking about getting wrecked daily! But just a glass at the end of the day is sometimes the difference between sitting, chilling and persuading ones self it'll all be ok. Compared to no wine, and getting ones keys and walking, walking, walking. In a forest gump style - just slower!

 Cheers!!! :)


Thursday, 4 September 2014

Simple Sam......

I complicate things, thats me. I always want more, not tomorrow not next week but today. Now. In a minute.

The chances are i will make whatever it is happen if it is even remotely possible, but just sometimes this is not a possibility....give it a day or two and i'll be moving onto the next want and have to have. And probably realise what a stupid idea I had a couple of days ago.

Shallow, yes. Selfish possibly, Determined - Definitely.

Just to clarify I'm not just talking about material possessions. I'm talking about moments. You know the free ones that may only last a brief moment but stay with you for a lifetime.

So.....here I am just waiting for life to begin, then I give myself the biggest kick up the arse I can and remind myself this is it. This is the real thing and whatever time I spend dwelling on what I would do, or could do, i'm missing these magic moments that are happening right now. Tonights is a gorgeous glass of red wine. ;-) this counts right?!

Deep, deep down somewhere i'm an explorer and I want to experience EVERYTHING that is physically possible unless it involves being on the edge of something very high. This means any opportunity to do something that puts a smile on mine or others faces then - i'm in.

Honestly I've had this conversation so many times, I am that person but talking about it proves nothing. It's time to make stuff happen....

I'm sure i'll still feel as enthusiastic tomorrow!

These are a few of my favourites pics from our last minute trip to the beach yesterday. We had chips with sand, swimming in clothes and absolutely no idea how I got there or how to get home. BUT, we had the best day. Stayed for dinner and sunset and then went home the long way. :-)