Friday, 8 May 2015

Serendipity Sam...

So here we are - May already, the spring is blossoming and the excitement of new beginnings is whispered in the wind.

For me it's probably the first year I've felt this. Really felt it deep down inside. Life happens and weeks, months even years go by in a flash. I've been feeling for the last few years at least that the sense of something will happen and I'll know what I'm meant to do with my life was not making an appearance. I was thinking maybe my fate was to work in admin and clean the bathroom. As thrilling as that is I had an overwelming desire to achieve more. I needed something creative apart from floristry (flowers are expensive and not really an affordable hobby!).  I'd been playing about with a vintage DSLR for a year or so. A college prospectus landed on my doorstep, photography was on the first page.  I wanted to recreate the images that I frequently capture in my mind! Frustrated and enthusiastic I booked on. Yes!

I had a problem, once I started to learn the camera settings and put into practise some of the techniques of photography I just couldn't stop... Still very much an amateur I realised that for the first time I understood. The frustration was turned into creativity and it was not dulling down, in fact I needed to know more!

10 months on and half way through my Level 3 Diploma it has become very apparent that this has been a massive hole in my life. I look back to being 15 sat in Southampton Library with my older and then wiser ;) sister. I'd never known what I wanted to 'be' when I grew up... We browsed national geographic and considered photography. Sadly circumstances and life meant this didn't take shape. It was archived in my mind. 

16 years later that conversation I had whilst sat there in that library, with every reason why I should consider photography was loud and clear! In fact crystal clear. I might not have done it for a reason but I was going to give it a go. I'm happy to say I don't think I'm crap which is a huge relief. I am however in the beginning of my journey and aware I have a lot to learn. I have no idea exactly which genre of photography suits my style best so I'm trying them all in the process. 

My grandfather was a professional photographer, I've recently been looking at a lot of his landscape work, although he was mainly a wedding photographer. His images inspire me and I feel so proud. 

Who knows where this will go, if I can make a career out of taking photos then I genuinely would never moan about work again! If I can't then I most definitely have no desire to put the camera down! I dream about composition and editing - it's basically a dream come true just being able to recreate something I've visualised after wishing I could for many years!

So in season of new beginnings it's strange to say that I really feel like my life has only just kicked off. 

Here's to the future and living the life you are destined to... :) 

I don't have any pictures of me grinning and stupidly excited about how I feel, but I do have the next best thing and 'this' shows how I feel! :)

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