Wednesday 9 September 2015


To feel that the inner you that you want to express is trapped inside you is a frustrating feeling. This post is a little me, me, but I guess as it's my blog that's allowed! And I figure if I feel this way then there must be others?! Others??
To feel trapped within a body that you are so disattached to is a sad thing. Yes I'm very aware that moving more and eating less = a slimmer body, which should = a happier me. But. 
Try having a body that no matter what you try barely changes your mind about yourself. I don't want sympathy. I don't want an 'ahhh'. I don't even expect a moment of anyone's precious time advising me on my alternative options. Quite frankly I'd just like to like me. I'm a curvy lady and although in my mind  I don't even mind being curvy but I do mind the hidden expression that I long to reveal. I'm a creative. I think, imagine, envisage and adore. Fashion scares me and I avoid high street and pretend what I own is me.


Fashion isn't just about the designers, the stores, the buyers. Fashion is a way of defining YOUR brand. Not as a business or a product. As you. As me. What the hell was I thinking ignoring this amazing gift given to us by the creatives of another mother! I need to wear my own brand on the outside. From the cup I choose to drink my tea to the covers on my bed these are choices that reflect me. Why don't I wear the clothes that reflect me?! I know the answer to this is because I'm a visualiser. I visualise the way I look and what says me. The reality is I can't ever fit that vision as a curvy girl. The only way I can move forward and stop hiding the inner me that is so desperate to get out, is to change my vision. Until perhaps I fit that vision! It's sad to hide and not express yourself isn't it?! 

That's my weekend sorted, shops here I come!! :) 

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